Saturday, December 1, 2012

Oh Hi there December!

Hello December!

I just wanted to say sorry to November for not updating it :)

I'm looking forward for this month especially since I'm a final year student. There's a camping trip coming on and also International trip! Where to? Will tell you soon! XD

This time,I think I'm going to use those photos that I posted on Instagram to update what's been going for the past few weeks:)


Just a random photo that I took with my brother :)

With my mum and my "little devil"...

Souvenirs that my mum bought for me. I wish i could go to Australia too!:/

This was my working uniform when i worked a month ago.

With one of my bestfriends at the Dubu-Dubu Korean Restaurants at the Midvalley last week after watching Rise of the Guardians. And guess what? I watched it again yesterday because it was that good!

What I ordered at the Dubu-Dubu Korean Restaurant. Yum!!!

Inspired? Never give up alrite:)

Girls being my bestfriends and also my classmates:)

I celebrated my birthday a few days ago :)

BBQ on my b'day! having a party at home is way more fun!
There's nothing more fun than celebrate your special day with your love ones. With my crazy brother and cousins. Rabbits style!lol

Yes, I'm officially 24!

OOTD!I wore this to class yesterday. How do you like my style?:)

This was taken today when me and my friends were discussing about our thesis. Did I mentioned that this would be my last semester? How exciting! Anyway, I still prefer Starbucks over Coffee Bean.

Ok, I'm going to stop here but I'll promise I'll update soon alrite!

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