Friday, March 8, 2013

Chiang Mai-Day 2 (Elephant Park)

Hey y'all!

First of all, I wanted to say that I'm officially exam free! hahahahahaha...can you see that I'm so happy? I bet you can:D

So I'm gonna apply as an intern soon after I finished up editing my resume. Boy, is kinda hard to create a good resume...Help me guys!

Before I start, I just wanted to share a sad news with you guys. One of my favorite lectures daughter passed away yesterday. Is so sad. May Allah bless her soul. Amin.

Anyway, I'm gonna continue my last post just as I promised. Overall, day 2 was super super super fun! We went to the Elephant Park. Those elephants are all well trained. They're so cute! And they can paint!So I hope you guys enjoy it:)

Amazing right?:)


We went for a ride on 'rakit". The weather was quite hot though. But we were entertained by "Jack Sparrow"!

Luckily, they provide us a hat!

Random shot at lunch before heading for elephant ride. I don't get it why my friends are making a big fuss about my hair?haha

Off we go

We were surprised that the fact we're having a dinner at a fancy hotel buffet style. The ambiance was simply amazing. I was too hungry and hence, didn't really took much photos:)

 That's it for now. So please wait for my next post alright:)

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