Monday, January 6, 2014

Wonderful Beijing-Day 3

As I promised, I'm gonna update about my trip to Beijing. But before I do so, just wanna know how has new year treats you? I think that new year resolution is a little bit overrated. Just because is new year, doesn't mean that you have to change this and that.

I used to make new year resolutions until one day I realized that I didn't fulfill that. So why bother? For me, you just gotta follow the flow, move one step at a time. But one thing for sure, you have to put past (2013) behind. I'm actually doing that right now. For example, people that doesn't belong in your life, you put them aside. Why should you hang on to people that only keep in touch with you once in a while? By people I mean friends that are meant a lot to you. When the time comes, you just have to let go.

“If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate.” 

Okay, back to our original plan. To be honest, I kinda miss the weather in Beijing. The cold breeze running through your face and all that...hmmm....So on our 3rd day in Beijing, we went to the silk factory first. We didn't take much photos of the silk because it will be boring,that's why we took so many photos of us....haha

After that, we went to the Summer Palace, an imperial garden. It was breathtaking. Basically all the view in Beijing are amazing!

We also went to a mosque called Nui Jie mosque, one of the oldest and historic mosque in Beijing. In Beijing, it was so hard to identify a Muslim unless he/she puts on the songkok/kopiah /Hijab. 

If you guys ever noticed I didn't upload photos about foods because to be frank what we had for breakfast,lunch and dinner wasn't really great. So that's why.

Okay that's it from now. Will post about day-4 soon since I'm jobless right now. I repeat. JOBLESS! haha.


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