Almost the end of the weekend 😭
So I decided to blog about my best birthday ever that I had yesterday. It's not like I've received $$$ or a free ticket to Paris (though I would love to lol). It's the thought and effort they've put in order to make my birthday extra special. And I'm thankful for that!
Recently, I've became a fan of Karlie Kloss (the best model ever!) and I subscribed to her YouTube channel and watched all of her videos. One of her video that she did was "23 things that I've learned", because she's only 23. So I'm gonna do my own version of that.
1. Always be thankful. Sometimes we tend to forget that we have more than what we actually needed in life.
2. Be easy on yourself. You're not God or a machine. So chill.
3. Always always put your family first. You're nothing without your family.
4. Memorized your mum phone number coz that's the most important number in your life besides your bank account lol
5. You don't need to have a lot of friends. Just a few good ones is enough.
6. Friends come and go. That's a fact.
7. Stop trying to make people like you. You'll loose yourself in the process.
8. Visit your grandma whenever you have time. Hmm I think I need to pay her a visit this week.
9. Don't force yourself into relationship just because everyone around you are attached.Seriously don't.
10. Don't make decisions while you're happy/angry. I did that often and I ended up breaking a lot of promises. Sorry.
11. Don't share your feelings too much with people. Somethings are meant to keep for yourself.
12. Give and take. Just because you did something noble for people, don't expect them to do the same.
13. Spend sometime alone. That's my favorite time. I like people that can be independent for example watching movie alone. Nothing wrong with that.
14. Be friends with people that are different than you. Be it culture, race, personalities etc. You'll open up your mind more. Thank God I'm mix!
15. It's okay to cry once in while for no reasons.
16. Read a book when you have time.
17. Stop complaining. I hate it when people keep complaining about their problems. Don't forget everyone has their own problem. Instead of complaining, why not use it to find solutions. Duh!
18. Watch Oscar nominated movies. You'll be surprised what you can learn from movies.
19. It's okay when life doesn't work out as you planned. I thought I would be married and have kids by now but hey, don't worry. God has a way of working things out. Be patient.
20. Save money. Sadly, it's not my forte.
21. Don't forget to say I love you to your love ones especially your family. Life is short.
22. Do what makes you happy. I don't regret for spending money on my braces. The best decision ever!😊
23. Travel! Travel makes me happy!
24. Don't be picky. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend lol. I don't mean guys here, I meant the food. There are people out there begging for foods and you're here being picky. Gosh I hate that about people.
25. Work out or go for adventure! Living healthy is important. I like hanging out with people who likes outdoor activities and "sweat".
26. Take less selfies. As Jamie Dornan used to say, selfies are epidemic!
27. Most of all, be nice to people around you. You'll never know the little things that you did might means something big to them.
I'm sure I've learned more than that but for now, that's all I can think about. So now, spamming you guys with photos!
This was from my best friend JC! Damn she got me like surprised bitch! Lol...
Pose failed miserably!
Went to IOI Mall with my sis! We had Korean food at SoPong, I think. I prefer Ko-hyang!
Splurged on make-up. No regrets!
Later that day, I had plans with Dyla. She wanted me to accompanied her to meet her client. I found it weird but not suspicious. She took me to Moonlight at Sri Petaling. It was a huge beautiful and crowded cafe. We went upstairs and walked to our table and then bammm! There's Veann and Kak Ema! And that was my second surprised! I was too happy and overwhelmed and the first 2 words that I said was Oh my god & Shit! lol..and then suddenly waiters came with a cake, a rainbow cake and sang me Happy Birthday song! A little bit embarrassed but happy mostly. I'm just speechless...well done guys! *clap clap*
This cake is sooooooooo goood I tell ya! I might get cakes from here in the future.
Thank you guys! Love you all!<3 p="">
That's it for today! Gonna have my dinner and chat with my mum!
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