Friday, December 13, 2013

Wonderful Beijing-Day 1

First of all, R.I.P Paul Walker. One of my favorite characters in Fast & Furious installments :/
Okay, I did mentioned in my previous post that I'll be away to some place really cold. It was Beijing! 

We arrived there around 7am in the morning and the moment we stepped out of the airport, our first reaction was,"Ya Allah! Sejuknye!!!"(OMG!So cold!!!). Yeah, NO KIDDING! Like I said before, I knew it was winter in China but I've no idea how cold it was. So there we got our first taste of the winter!

So we didn't check into our hotel first, instead we straight away went to The Forbidden City! No time to recover from our 6 hours flight. Jet lag!

As you can see there're so many people/tourists! 

They say if you hold that, you'll get lucky. I guess not. I lost many of my stuff in Beijing!:/

I get all excited when I saw these! I've seen these in Chinese movies and finally I had the chance to actually eat these!!!:D

It's a sour plums coated in sweet caramel. They say that this plum is good for the health.

Well more pictures on the next post alright. So stay tune!

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