Saturday, December 21, 2013

Wonderful Beijing-Day 2

Hey! It's the Saturday! So what have you guys been up to? Bet you guys are outside doing something really fun right now. As usual, I'm stuck at home doing nothing. Too lazy to clean my room so I'm just gonna update my blog as i have promised. 

So basically day 2 in Beijing was amazing! I can now proudly say that I've visited The Great Wall of China! haha...I've even bought a key chain that have the same phrase. NO KIDDING!I'M THAT PROUD! *show off*

One of my fav shot! It was really cold plus windy! If I could cover up my whole face I would but then again you can't see my pretty eyes if I

 The highest I can get to. Ain't no kidding bout the stair case!

The famous "Buddha floating" pose!

We visited the Tea shop and it was one of the best and hilarious stops ever!

I'll post more next since I'm jobless right now! haha


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