Saturday, November 7, 2015

FRIM - Kepong

Again, this was long over due post! *chuckle*

I figured out since I'm gonna be active again, so why not just post all the fun things that I've done during my "absence". One of them was a trip to FRIM - Forest Researh Institute Malaysia in Kepong.

After the unforgettable experience at Mount Kinabalu, I've been seeking and  longing to go somewhere where there's trees, rivers and waterfall. Basically away from the busy traffic and city, just nature.

We went there on Saturday around 7:30am and it took us an hour ride from where I lived to reach there. You'll need to pay for the entrance fee and I forgot how much we paid. But you can always Google it. It was another 3-5 minutes drive to the parking lots and boy it was packed!

So the first activity that we did was jungle trekking!It was wet and kinda muddy but who cares. I just love the smell of the grass after the rain and the sound in the forest! You can't get that in the

Greenish light diffused through the trees...

And hue of green...

We hiked for approximately 20 minutes and finally we arrived at the canopy walk station. But it wasn't open yet at that time which was at 9:00 am. So we continued to explore the forest and also searching for the river/waterfall by following the sound of the river/waterfall.

And we found our first waterfall! Can you even consider that as waterfall?

It wasn't the kind of waterfall that we were looking for so we just took a few pictures and then off we go "chasing waterfall" lol...We followed the sound where the river flows until we saw a bunch of people sitting around picnic-ing and barbeque-ing.

We wondered around for awhile and because most of the spots was occupied so we went further down until we reached a car park. I thought we were lost. My reaction was ,"What? That's it? Where's the waterfall? The real WATERFALL????" Was kinda bumped and disappointed because I was really looking forward to "shower" after all the hiking haha. So we followed the road until we reached the bicycle rent place. RM8 for each bicycle (the normal one) for an hour if I'm not mistaken. So we rented 3 bicycles and just cycled around. I think we've cycled around the whole FRIM. Almost an hour, NO KIDDING.

That's not the bicycle that we rented. We just posed with it :D

And because I wanted to "shower" so bad, so we walked back to the open "park". We picked a spot where there're less people and settled down.

My brother was getting some tan :3

After spending around 20 minutes, we hiked back up to the canopy walk station. Here's the thing. We didn't know that we were supposed to buy tickets at the ground (the starting point). Dayummmnn! I was speechless and tired. Hell no I'm not going back down just to buy a ticket and then spend another 20 minutes to hike back up. NO WAY! I guess God works things out in his own perfect timing. My friend was asking around and then there was a lady who decided to forfeit her tickets, yeah, she was giving away her 5 tickets for FREE because she got separated from her group.  Lucky us! It's not like I haven't experienced walking on canopy but since we're there, I wanted to try everything that FRIM has to offered.

View from the top...

You can check out this website for more info!

After the walk, almost 2pm I think, we went back down to our car. The whole experience was okay for me. I might go back there again with a bunch of friends and this time I'm gonna picnic-ing and barbeque-ing!

My favorite photo of that day. Just me holding a huge leave and surrounded by trees ;)

I guess that's it. Ask me anything if you like. Most probably I'm gonna do a food post next week!

Stay tuned!


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